Pregnancy Progress Blood Test
    Pregnancy Progress Blood Test
    Pregnancy Progress Blood Test
    Pregnancy Progress Blood Test

Pregnancy Progress Blood Test


Want reassurance about your early pregnancy? This test measures beta hCG and progesterone, two key hormones that help confirm pregnancy viability and monitor early development. Tracking these levels can provide valuable insights into the health of your pregnancy, particularly if you’ve experienced previous complications or are undergoing fertility treatment.

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This test measures beta hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and progesterone, both essential for early pregnancy development.

How do you want to take your sample?

  • Book a venous draw at a clinic   Venous

    Visit one of our national clinic partners for a nurse to take your venous blood sample from a vein in your arm. We’ll email you instructions on how to book after we’ve processed your order.
  • Book a venous draw at home with a nurse Venous

  • Self-arrange a professional sample collection Venous

18+ only. T&Cs apply.

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How it works

You have the flexibility to choose what works best for you. Enjoy the comfort of having a friendly nurse visit your home for a quick blood draw, opt for a convenient visit to one of our nationwide partner clinics, or self-arrange a draw at a location that suits you.

Take control of your health with Medichecks – order your blood test today!

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What's in the test?



Learn more

Progesterone is a steroid hormone produced in the corpus luteum and the adrenal glands. Its main role is to prepare the body for and support a pregnancy. It is produced in increasing amounts in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Although progesterone is considered a female hormone, men also produce progesterone in the adrenal glands and the testes. Progesterone in men plays a role in testosterone production.


Learn more

HCG is a pregnancy hormone produced by the placenta when a fertilised egg implants in the uterine wall. The hormone hCG starts to be produced around six days after fertilisation and can usually be detected 10 days after a missed menstrual period.

How to prepare for your test

Prepare for your Pregnancy Progress Blood Test by following these instructions. Do not take biotin supplements for two days before this test, discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed.

Test limitations

This test can indicate pregnancy progression but does not diagnose pregnancy complications. If results are concerning, further testing or medical consultation is recommended. hCG levels naturally vary, so repeat testing may be needed to assess trends over time.



What is hCG?

HCG is made in the cells of the placenta (the organ that surrounds your baby), and it rises rapidly in the early stages of pregnancy, peaking at around ten or eleven weeks. HCG levels will double every 48 - 72 hours in a healthy pregnancy.

HCG tells your body you are pregnant and maintains the production of the hormones progesterone and oestrogen, which are essential for your baby.

What happens in early pregnancy?

The early stages of pregnancy are an important time as your body begins forming a baby. The first trimester is 12 weeks from the first day of your last period. You go through significant physical and hormonal changes during this time, and your baby grows faster than at any other stage of pregnancy. This can be an exciting yet uncertain time, particularly if it is your first pregnancy or if you have experienced previous miscarriages. The risk of miscarriage is higher in the first three months, and an early test can help you see if your pregnancy is progressing as it should in the early stages.

What is a Pregnancy Progress Blood Test?

Our Pregnancy Progress Blood Test is a quantitative test for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as it measures the actual hCG levels in your blood. HCG is a sensitive marker that can detect a pregnancy earlier than over-the-counter urine tests. Higher than normal hCG levels can also indicate that you are having twins, although this will need to be confirmed by an ultrasound scan. This test also measures your progesterone levels, which prepare your uterus for pregnancy by thickening it. Your progesterone levels should typically stay elevated throughout your pregnancy.