
If you are concerned an allergy could be to blame for your symptoms, our range of Allergy Blood Tests can help you confirm an allergic reaction and help determine the cause.
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IgE (Immunoglobulin E) Blood Test

This test detects IgE antibodies which are often raised in response to allergic reactions

  • Results estimated in 3 working days
  • 1 biomarkers
Allergy Screen (UK) Blood Test

Do you live in the UK and are experiencing symptoms of an allergy, such as hives? With our allergy blood test, you can check whether you're allergic to some of the most common allergens in the UK

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 2 biomarkers
Allergy Screen (Nuts and Seeds) Blood Test

Are you experiencing symptoms of a nut or seed food allergy, such as hives? Our Allergy Screen (Nuts and Seeds) Blood Test checks to see if you are allergic to 14 commonly eaten nuts and seeds, including almonds and peanuts

  • Results estimated in 4 working days
  • 2 biomarkers
Allergy Screen (Cereals) Blood Test

Are you experiencing symptoms of a cereal food allergy? Our Allergy Screen (Cereals) Blood Test checks to see if you are allergic to four common grain allergens

  • Results estimated in 6 working days
  • 2 biomarkers
Allergy Screen (Shellfish) Blood Test

Are you experiencing symptoms of a shellfish food allergy, such as hives? Our Allergy Screen (Shellfish) Blood Test checks to see if you are allergic to eight commonly eaten shellfish

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 1 biomarkers