Our specialist tests are for expert patients or people working with a specialist medical practitioner who can interpret what the results mean for them.Lipase Blood Test
Measure the level of the enzyme, lipase, in your blood which can be an indicator of pancreatic health
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testG6PD (Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase) Blood Test
Measure the level of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in your blood
- Results estimated in 6 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testLipoprotein (a) Blood Test
Lipoprotein(a) or Lp(a), is a type of fat found in the blood that is a risk factor for heart disease
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testBlood Group Blood Test
Find out which blood group you are in
- Results estimated in 4 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testUric Acid Blood Test
This test measures the level of uric acid in your blood
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testRheumatoid Factor Blood Test
The Rheumatoid Factor test is an immunology blood test
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testSickle Cell Disease Blood Test
Check for sickle cell disease or sickle cell trait ...
- Results estimated in 5 working days
- 9 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testTSH Receptor Antibodies Blood Test
A thyroid antibody test that is often used to investigate hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) or to monitor the effectiveness of anti-thyroid treatment
- Results estimated in 7 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select test