Antibody Tests

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Autoantibodies Profile 1 Blood Test

Test for autoantibodies in your blood, including: thyroid peroxidase, antinuclear, mitochondrial, smooth muscle, and gastric parietal cell

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 6 biomarkers
Intrinsic Factor Antibodies Blood Test

Check for the presence of intrinsic factor antibodies in your blood which can indicate autoimmune gastritis (or pernicious anaemia if you are anaemic)

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 1 biomarkers
Varicella Zoster IgM Antibodies Blood Test

A test to measure Varicella Zoster (IgM) antibodies in the blood to investigate an infection

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 1 biomarkers
Islet Cell Antibodies Blood Test

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? Our test will help you to see if you have autoimmune type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 1 biomarkers
Coronavirus Antibody with Vitamin D (25 OH) Blood Test

A simple finger-prick blood test for coronavirus antibodies as well as vitamin D

  • Results estimated in 2 working days
  • 4 biomarkers
Smooth Muscle Antibodies Blood Test

Find out if you have autoimmune hepatitis and distinguish it from other causes of liver disease

  • Results estimated in 5 working days
  • 1 biomarkers
Parvovirus B19 IgG and IgM Antibodies Blood Test

A blood test measuring levels of 2 different antibodies, to confirm a previous or current parvovirus B19 infection

  • Results estimated in 4 working days
  • 1 biomarkers