Liver Function Blood Test
    Liver Function Blood Test
    Liver Function Blood Test
    Liver Function Blood Test
    Liver Function Blood Test

Liver Function Blood Test


Check your liver function and look for signs of liver damage or inflammation with our easy at-home finger-prick blood test.

Results estimated in 2 working days

View 7 Biomarkers

How do you want to take your sample?

Please choose one option below
  • Collect your own finger-prick blood sample at home   Free

    We’ll send you everything you need to collect your blood sample from your finger at home.
  • Book a venous draw at a clinic   +£35.00

  • Book a venous draw at home with a nurse +£59.00

  • Self-arrange a professional sample collection Free

Liver Function Blood Test

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Is it for you?

Are you concerned about how your lifestyle, such as drinking alcohol or being overweight, may be affecting your liver function? Or maybe you just want to be more proactive about your liver health by spotting any potential problems early.

Our Liver Blood Test assesses key biomarkers and checks for signs of liver damage. It can support you to make positive lifestyle changes, and testing over time can help you track and monitor your progress.

Biomarker table

Liver health


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Bilirubin is a product of the breakdown of haemoglobin from red blood cells. It is removed from the body via the liver, stored and concentrated in the gallbladder and secreted into the bowel. It is removed from your body through urine and faeces. Bilirubin causes the yellowish colour you sometimes see in bruises, due to red blood cells breaking down underneath the skin.


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Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme found mainly in the liver and bones. Measuring it can indicate ongoing liver, gallbladder or bone disease.


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Alanine transferase (ALT) is an enzyme which is mostly found in the liver, but is also found in smaller amounts in the heart, muscles and the kidneys. If the liver is damaged, ALT is leaked into to bloodstream. As ALT is predominantly found in the liver, it is usually an accurate marker for liver inflammation and can indicate liver damage caused by alcohol, fatty liver, drugs or viruses (hepatitis).

Gamma GT

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Gamma GT, also known as gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), is a liver enzyme which is raised in liver and bile duct diseases. It is used in conjunction with ALP to distinguish between bone or liver disease. Gamma GT is also used to diagnose alcohol abuse as it is raised in 75% of long term drinkers.


Total protein

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Total Protein represents the sum of the proteins albumin and globulin in your blood. Albumin and globulin have a range of functions including keeping blood within vessels, transporting nutrients and fighting infection. Abnormal levels can indicate malnutrition as well as a liver or kidney disorder.


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Albumin is a protein which is made mainly in the liver. It helps to exert the osmotic pressure which holds water within the blood. It also helps carry nutrients and medications and other substances through the blood and is important for tissue growth and healing. Albumin also carries hormones around the body, therefore measuring the amount of albumin in the blood can help us calculate how much hormone is available to your tissues.


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Globulin is an umbrella term for a set of different proteins that the immune system and the liver produce. Certain globulins bind with haemoglobin while others transport metals, such as iron, in the blood. Additionally, there is a certain type of globulin known as an immunoglobulin, (another name for an antibody) which helps to fight infection in the body.
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How to prepare for your test

Blood testing made easy

How it works

Your personalised, actionable health results are only a few clicks away. Order your test, take and post your sample, then view your results online with our doctors' comments.

Your results, simplified

Track, improve, and monitor your health over time

MyMedichecks is your personal online dashboard where you can view your results, access clear and simple explanations about individual health markers, monitor changes in your health, and securely store information about your medical history, lifestyle, and vital statistics.


What is a Liver Function Blood Test?

Our Liver Blood Test is a liver function test that looks at liver enzymes, such as gamma GT (GGT) and alanine transferase (ALT), to indicate how well your liver is functioning and whether it’s showing signs of inflammation. In its early stages, liver damage is usually reversible, which is why it’s important to spot signs of liver damage early. 

What causes liver disease?

The main causes of liver disease are regularly drinking too much alcohol, taking certain drugs (including prescribed and over-the-counter medications), being overweight, and infections such as viral hepatitis. Less common causes include cancer, and genetic and autoimmune conditions. 

What is the role of the liver?

Your liver is a vital organ with over 500 functions, including filtering out toxins, regulating chemicals like hormones in the blood, storing nutrients and glucose for energy, and releasing them back into the blood when needed.

Can I find out if I have liver problems from a blood test?

Blood tests that include liver biomarkers (such as GGT and ALP) investigate your liver health. These liver tests can pick up later-stage liver disease. However, liver inflammation isn’t always detectable in a blood test, especially in the early stages of liver damage.

Why do I need a liver function blood test?

Liver blood tests help determine whether your lifestyle is impacting your liver function and help to investigate the cause of symptoms such as jaundice. Our Liver Blood Test can be used as a screening tool if you’re at higher risk of developing liver damage (for instance, if you're a heavy drinker or overweight). It can also help you track and monitor changes if you’ve received abnormal liver blood results in the past.

Do I have to fast for a liver test?

No, fasting is not usually required before our standard Liver Blood Test. However, you may be advised to fast if your test is taken alongside other biomarkers such as blood glucose, iron, or cholesterol levels.

Can I take a liver function test at home?

Yes, you can take our Liver Blood Test at home using our finger-prick blood test kit. We’ll send you everything you need to check your liver function at home, including clear instructions and a pre-paid return envelope. Alternatively, you can have your blood sample taken at one of our convenient nationwide partner clinics at a time that suits you.

How can I check my liver function at home?

You can check your liver function with our finger-prick blood test kit. Our at-home liver test includes a full lab analysis of your blood sample. You can access your results on your MyMedichecks dashboard, alongside doctor’s advice to help you take action to improve your health and wellbeing.

How can I keep my liver healthy?

Exercise and a well-balanced diet are the best ways to optimise your general health and reduce your risk of liver disease, such as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Am I at risk of fatty liver disease?

You’re more at risk of fatty liver disease if you:

-Are over 50

-Are overweight or obese

-Regularly drink alcohol


-Have type 2 diabetes

-Have an underactive thyroid

-Have high blood pressure

-Have high cholesterol

What are the symptoms of liver disease?

Most types of liver disease don’t have noticeable signs and symptoms in the early stages. You may want to take a liver function test if you feel you’re at risk of liver disease. 

Signs and symptoms of liver disease can include:

-Yellow skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)

-Feeling or being sick

-Loss of appetite-

Feeling very tired and weak all the time

-Itchy skin

What’s included in a liver function test?

Our liver function test checks your levels of proteins and other substances made by the liver to make sure they’re in the normal range. It includes key biomarkers including ALT, ALP, GGT, albumin, and bilirubin.

Limitations of the test

Read before you order:

Although this test covers key health biomarkers associated with liver health, liver enzymes can appear normal even when the liver is inflamed. So, protecting your liver by maintaining a healthy weight and staying within the recommended alcohol units is important, regardless of your results.

Some liver biomarkers can also be abnormal in other conditions. For example, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) may be raised in bone-related conditions.

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