Good nutrition is the cornerstone of staying healthy. A Nutrition Blood Test can tell you if you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need.Vitamin D (25 OH) Blood Test
Check your vitamin D level at home with our easy finger-prick blood test kit
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testIron Blood Test
Check your iron levels for signs of iron deficiency or overload with our easy at-home test
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 5 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testVitamin B12 (Active) Blood Test
Check your level of active vitamin B12 with our home finger-prick blood test
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testNutrition Blood Test
Check you’re getting the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health and wellbeing with our home finger-prick blood test
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 11 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testFerritin Blood Test
Measure the amount of iron stored in your body to investigate anaemia or iron overload
- Results estimated in 2 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testMagnesium (serum) Blood Test
A test to measure magnesium levels in the blood serum
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testOmega-3 and -6 Blood Test
Check your ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and your Omega-3 Index with our easy home finger-prick blood test
- Results estimated in 16 working days
- 2 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testAdvanced Vitamin B12 Blood Test
A comprehensive investigation into vitamin B12 deficiency including a full blood count plus tests for active vitamin B12, folate and ferritin
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 18 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select test