Take control of your health with the Diabetes (HbA1c) Blood Test, designed to measure your average blood sugar levels over the past 12 weeks. This simple test helps detect pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, making it an essential tool for those at risk due to family history, lifestyle, or symptoms such as fatigue and increased thirst.

Diabetes (HbA1c) Blood Test
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- Convenient testing options
- Free delivery
Measuring HbA1c to assess blood sugar control over the last three months. Upgrade to our most Advanced Diabetes Blood Test, which checks HbA1c and blood glucose for both a current and longer-term picture of your average blood sugar levels.
How do you want to take your sample?
Please choose one option below-
Collect your own finger-prick blood sample at homeFreeWe’ll send you everything you need to collect your blood sample from your finger at home.
Book a venous draw at a clinic Venous+£35Visit one of our national clinic partners for a nurse to take your venous blood sample from a vein in your arm. We’ll email you instructions on how to book after we’ve processed your order.
Book a venous draw at home with a nurse Venous+£59Book a home nurse appointment for a nurse to take your venous blood sample from a vein in your arm.
Self-arrange a professional sample collection VenousFreeMake an appointment at a phlebotomy clinic to have your venous blood sample taken. You will be responsible for arranging your appointment and any additional fees.
18+ only. T&Cs apply.
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How it works
You have the flexibility to choose what works best for you. Enjoy the comfort of having a friendly nurse visit your home for a quick blood draw, opt for a convenient visit to one of our nationwide partner clinics, or self-arrange a draw at a location that suits you.
Take control of your health with Medichecks – order your blood test today!

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MyMedichecks is your personal online dashboard where you can view your results, access clear and simple explanations about individual health markers, monitor changes in your health, and securely store information about your medical history, lifestyle and vital statistics.
Supported by a team of specialist and qualified doctors
Dr Natasha Fernando
Medical DirectorDr Tina Ghela
Digital Clinician LeadDr Susanna Hayter
Digital Clinician
What's in the test?
Learn more
A raised HbA1c result points to diabetes or an increased risk of developing diabetes, which can have a significant impact on your lifespan and quality of life. Complications of uncontrolled diabetes include heart disease, kidney disease, eye problems, and vascular conditions. It can also contribute to mental health problems. And men with diabetes are three times more likely to have erectile dysfunction. Keeping your HbA1c within a normal range can help you reduce the risk of these conditions.
How to prepare for your test
Test limitations
While the HbA1c test is a useful indicator of long-term glucose control, it won’t pinpoint daily fluctuations in blood sugar. Certain conditions affecting red blood cells can influence the accuracy of results, such as thalassaemia, chronic liver disease, and severe iron deficiency. If your results are abnormal, we'll advise you on the next steps — we can't diagnose diabetes based on your HbA1c result alone.
What is HbA1c?
HbA1c refers to glycated haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a protein in your blood that carries oxygen around your body to make energy. When your blood glucose (or blood sugar) level is high, glucose binds to haemoglobin to form glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c). The higher your blood sugar, the higher your level of HbA1c.
What is an HbA1c blood test?
Our HbA1c blood test assesses your average blood sugar control over the past 8–12 weeks by measuring HbA1c. Unlike a fasting plasma glucose test that measures your blood sugar level at a single point in time, an HbA1c test is not affected by short-term changes.
Your test results can help diagnose diabetes or prediabetes (a condition where your blood sugar is higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes). Our HbA1c home test can also be used to monitor diabetes with regular testing.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
The symptoms of diabetes include:
-Needing to urinate more than usual, especially at night
-Feeling thirsty all the time
-Feeling very tired
-Unexplained weight loss
-Genital itching (bouts of thrush)
-Blurred vision
-Cuts/injuries taking longer to heal
If you’re concerned you might have diabetes, you should speak to your doctor. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome. This can help reduce the risk of diabetes complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, and vision problems.
What is a normal HbA1c level?
The table below gives target levels for HbA1c for people without diabetes, with prediabetes, and with diabetes. This is a general guide and people with diabetes will talk to their healthcare team about their unique target level.
HbA1c results can be expressed as a percentage or as mmol/mol, which is the standard unit for the UK.
HbA1c | mmol/mol | % |
Normal | <42 | <6 |
Pre-diabetes | 42–47 | 6–6.4 |
Diabetes | ≥48 | ≥6.5 |
What increases my risk of type 2 diabetes?
Diabetes is strongly associated with obesity, poor diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. And your risk of developing the condition increases with age. Having a close relative with diabetes and your ethnicity can also put you at higher risk, with diabetes being more common in people of South Asian, African-Caribbean, and Black African descent.
How can I lower my HbA1c?
Healthy lifestyle changes can help lower your HbA1c and reduce your risk of diabetes. Tips to reduce your HbA1c include losing weight if you’re overweight, getting regular exercise, managing stress, and cutting down on alcohol. Diabetes UK has lots of advice on how you can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. A healthy diet and lifestyle can also help reverse prediabetes.
Do I need to fast for an HbA1c blood test?
No, you don’t need to fast before taking our at-home diabetes test, as this test identifies your average blood sugar level over the past 8-12 weeks. However, you do need to fast for 12 hours before taking our Advanced Diabetes Blood Test, which measures your current blood sugar level in addition to HbA1c.
Can I take an HbA1c test at home?
Yes, you can take our diabetes test at home using our HbA1c finger-prick test kit. We’ll send you everything you need including clear instructions and a prepaid return envelope for your sample.