Trying to conceive or tracking your ovulation? This test measures progesterone levels to confirm if ovulation has occurred, making it ideal for those monitoring their fertility. Since progesterone rises after ovulation, this test is commonly taken on day 21 of a 28-day cycle to assess whether your body is producing enough progesterone for implantation and early pregnancy.
Ovulation tests with progesterone
If you have periods, you should aim to take your test 7 days before your next period. For example, if you have a 28-day cycle, take your test on day 21.
It's important to log the date of your last period, and other information regarding your periods or menopause status, in your MyMedichecks account right after taking your sample.
If you don’t let us know the date of your last period, we’ll interpret your results as though you took your test on day 21.