Are you experiencing unexplained symptoms such as fatigue, digestive issues, or weight changes? Our autoantibodies blood test investigates potential autoimmune conditions affecting the adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, and stomach.

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How it works
You have the flexibility to choose what works best for you. Enjoy the comfort of having a friendly nurse visit your home for a quick blood draw, opt for a convenient visit to one of our nationwide partner clinics, or self-arrange a draw at a location that suits you.
Take control of your health with Medichecks – order your blood test today!

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What's in the test?
Adrenal Antibodies
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Gastric parietal cell antibodies
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Islet cell antibodies
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Ovarian Antibodies
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Thyroid peroxidase antibodies
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How to prepare for your test
Prepare for your Autoantibodies Profile 2 Blood Test by following these instructions. Do not take biotin supplements for two days before this test, discuss this with your doctor if it is prescribed.
Test limitations
Who's affected by autoimmune diseases?
Genetic factors may play a role, and women are more frequently affected than men. Autoimmune diseases can affect the adrenal glands (Addison's Disease), red blood cells (a type of haemolytic anaemia), pancreas (Diabetes Mellitus type 1), thyroid (Graves Disease), muscle receptors (Myasthenia Gravis), liver (Chronic Hepatitis), sperm and ovary (Auto-immune Infertility) and more.
Can this test diagnose an autoimmune condition?
A single autoantibody test is not diagnostic but may give clues as to whether a particular disorder is likely or unlikely to be present. Each autoantibody result should be considered individually and as part of the group.
What are autoantibody tests?
Autoantibody tests investigate chronic progressive arthritis-type symptoms and/or unexplained fevers, fatigue, muscle weakness and rashes. Autoimmune disorders are a group of conditions in which the immune system attacks the body's tissues as if they were a foreign substance. The reaction is similar to those that occur in allergies, except the hypersensitivity response is to the body rather than an outside substance.