Checking your health is a vital part of understanding and monitoring personal health risks. It gives you the power to make changes and monitor their impact.Hair Loss Blood Test
Investigate possible causes of hair thinning or loss including a hormone imbalance, thyroid problems, vitamin D deficiency, and low iron, with our home blood test
- Results estimated in 7 working days
- 7 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testAdvanced Essential Blood Test
Assess fundamental markers, from a full blood count (FBC) to your liver and kidney function, iron status, diabetes, cholesterol, inflammation, thyroid function, and nutritional status
- Results estimated in 4 working days
- 43 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testAdvanced Heart Disease Risk Blood Test
Assess your risk factors for heart disease by checking your cholesterol, inflammation, and apolipoproteins A and B
- Results estimated in 5 working days
- 11 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testAdvanced Diabetes Blood Test
Measure your current glucose levels and check your blood sugar control over the last 10-12 weeks with our HbA1c test
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 2 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testHomocysteine Blood Test
This blood test measures your levels of homocysteine which at high levels can increase your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testWeight Loss Blood Test
Understand if you're not losing weight because of your hormones, stress, diabetes, anaemia, or cholesterol levels
- Results estimated in 4 working days
- 23 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testAdvanced Diet and Lifestyle Blood Test
Gain a deep insight into how your diet and lifestyle affect your health with our advanced profile, which includes magnesium and cortisol
- Results estimated in 4 working days
- 27 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testHeart Disease Risk Blood Test
The Heart Disease Risk Blood Test looks at the main risk factors for heart disease including cholesterol and high sensitivity CRP a measure of damaging inflammation
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 7 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select test