Viruses, bacteria, and parasites can cause a wide range of different symptoms. Find out if an infection affects you with our range of Specialist Infection Tests.Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV DNA) Blood Test
Glandular fever, which is caused by the Epstein Barr virus is very common and highly infectious
- Results estimated in 7 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testTorch Screen Blood Test
A blood test for pregnant women or new mothers to identify infections that can affect the health of their baby
- Results estimated in 5 working days
- 6 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testHepatitis A Immunity Profile Blood Test
A blood test to help confirm a past or current hepatitis A infection
- Results estimated in 3 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Finger-prick or Venous collection
Select testParvovirus B19 IgG and IgM Antibodies Blood Test
A blood test measuring levels of 2 different antibodies, to confirm a previous or current parvovirus B19 infection
- Results estimated in 4 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select testHepatitis C Quantification Blood Test
Following on from a positive hepatitis C antibody result, this test determines the hepatitis C viral load in the blood
- Results estimated in 8 working days
- 1 biomarkers
Venous collection
Select test